Stealing Ryder (Sharing Harper, 2) Page 4
My head tilted back and I succumbed to the pleasure her tongue was giving me.
“Fuck. Yes,” I growled at her, letting a few groans escape from my mouth. The repetitive in and out motion of her mouth quickened; with every surmounting push inside, I felt the pressure building deep inside, and immediately knew I needed to release it.
Oh God…yes. I couldn’t stand it anymore; her tongue was flicking around, touching the head so lightly, but with just enough pressure. I immediately grabbed her shoulders, desperately wanting to release together, and threw her on the bed. She bounced, but opened her swollen, pink pussy for me.
I shoved inside of her, slamming against her walls repeatedly. Over and over again, she cried out as I pressed firmly against her stomach to push even deeper. I needed to…
“Please, baby,” she huffed through panting breaths.
“Say it,” I demanded, wanting to hear it from her again.
“I…am…going…to…cum,” she managed to squeal out.
I pressed my lips tightly against hers, and kissed her face gently before I released her, and slammed the building pressure of my cock inside of her.
I heard her cries and let go immediately, releasing the pent up frustration, letting the warm fluid sink inside. After one breath of relief, I pulled out, letting the rest of my fluid fall on top of her, before moving to clean myself up. I always loved seeing it; it was my way of marking her as mine.
I grabbed a couple tissues on the nightstand and handed them to her, her face still flushed red with pleasure. I was exhausted and relieved. All I could think about doing now was lying next to her and falling asleep.
When I looked over at the bed, I saw her slight frame curled up in the sheets. I slid into the side I usually slept on and grabbed her by the stomach with one hand. I pulled her against me and started singing a slow lullaby into her hair.
I used to do it with Evelyn, and it would make her fall asleep quicker. It had been working for Harper to make her feel better after her nightmares.
“I love you, Ryder,” she said through sleepy yawns.
“I love you so much, Harper. I don’t know where I would be without you.”
“I’m scared,” she whispered faintly.
“I know, baby, I know. But everything will work out.” I knew she was referring to our earlier conversation about Kylee wanting to move to Houston. We both knew our fate sat in the hands of Kylee, in the hands of someone who wasn’t on our side.
Before I knew it, I had to bring Evelyn back to Kylee. Harper had gone to work at Rita’s for a little bit, so I decided to meet Kylee at Balboa Park with Evelyn in one of those collapsible strollers.
I saw her immediately, walking towards us down by the long lap-pool. Evelyn and I were playing by the water, looking at the ducks that were hanging out in the small pond structure. I was surprised to see Kylee all done up like she was. She looked like she was goin’ out for a night of clubbing. With her thick make up, she looked plain trashy. It’s a pet-peeve of mine, huge turn-off.
“Hey, you,” she flirted, walking towards me after she gave Evelyn a kiss on the forehead. She looked like a whore trying to swing her hips around to entice me. I applauded her efforts, but all I could think about was the woman I’d have at home, who’d be waiting for me when she got off work.
“Kylee.” I was direct in my speech, not faltering even once. She pressed onwards, moving her long fingers around my arms, circling them around my bicep.
“Stop,” I demanded.
She huffed and sat down while we watched Evelyn playing fearlessly with the ducks and birds in the park.
“Did you get the invitation from Kayden?” she asked after a few moments of silence.
“What invitation?” I asked.
“Typical. You never change, Ry. Check your mail once in a while, why don’t ya?” she drawled. I realized the invitation she’s probably talking about was the one Harper had mentioned earlier.
“Are you goin’ to tell me what it was about?” I asked.
“Yeah, we are both invited to go to his wedding to Savannah Livingston. He wants us to be in the wedding. Savannah asked if I could be in her bridal party, and I guess Kayden wants to have you as a groomsman.”
“Oh, yea. Damn, I miss Kayden.”
Kayden Knox and I grew up together in Texas. We both played football together at University of Texas; but when I left for the NFL, Kayden took my place. We both loved to go out and party, always hanging out at his clubs and picking up chicks, but I left Texas before I got to meet Savannah. From what I hear, he is completely pussy-whipped.
Savannah knew Kylee from some function they attended at their country club and they were friends. I guess they want us to come to Texas to their wedding. I would be all over hanging out with the old bros, I haven’t been back to Houston, or Texas for that matter, since I left; I just didn’t want to deal with family crap.
“Are you going?” she asked.
“I’ll have to see if I can get off work. I don’t know. I haven’t been back since I left.”
She looked down before she spoke, “I know, but I was thinking maybe I could just see if I like it there. If maybe we’d like it there…together?”
“What?” I asked, confused.
“I mean…we could see if it would be an option if I could move back there. I want to talk to my parents, and maybe even yours…”
“No way. You can talk to them all you want, but no way am I going to see them. No fucking way, Kylee.”
“Ry, I think you should at least hear them out. My mom told me your’s has been asking about you. Just hear ‘em out.”
“Nope. No way, no how. Not happenin’. I’ll call Knox. Tell him I’m comin’ to the wedding but I ain’t going to Houston.”
“Okay, Ryder. Well, I am going to Houston before the wedding. Evelyn is going to be the flower girl, so she is coming with me.”
“Fine. Where are y’all staying, at Knox’s place? The one in Galveston?”
“No, the one in Sugar Land. Savannah said I could stay in one of the rooms. That place is huge. She said you could, too…”
“We are staying in different rooms.”
I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell Harper; she was going to flip out.
“I know, Ry, I know,” she said looking away, clearly annoyed that I kept turning her down.
“I’ll call Knox; we’ll figure this out.”
After a few quiet moments, Kylee asked in her genuine voice, and not that fake bullshit she puts on to entice people, “Is Harper going?”
“I’ve got to see if she can. She’s starting school back up again, so I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know if I want her there. It’d be too tough, being in the same state as everything that happened with my parents. I don’t want them to pull something and have her there to witness it.”
I saw a glimpse of evil in Kylee when I told her I didn’t want Harper to come, but all she could do was click her tongue and say, “How close can you get to someone without showing them all the different sides of you?”
She walked over to Evelyn, picked her up, and both of them said goodbye.
“See you in Texas.”
It was August and the sun was blazing down, sweat was glistening off my arms as my shirt clung tightly against my chest.
Fuck. If I was going to go to Texas, I had to call Knox. I punched his number into my phone. He hashed out all the details of his big day, sounding really exciting when he talked about Savannah. In the back of my mind, I had to wonder if that’s what I sounded like when I talked about Harper.
He told me I would be stayin’ on his side of the house, and that he had an extra room for me, which saved me from Kylee’s crap. I didn’t want her tryin’ anything and messing anything up with what I had now.
I asked him if Harper could come, but he hesitated. He had assumed that Kylee and I were still married, and I didn’t have a plus one because she was already invited. I told him it was
n’t a big deal and that Harper was probably not even goin’ to make it. We hung up and I went to the bar, where I was meeting up with Finn, Skye, and Harper.
When I got to the bar, after bein’ stuck in rush hour traffic, I saw Finn sitting in a corner table, drinkin’ a pale ale. Harper and Skye weren’t going to meet us for another hour, so I grabbed a beer over at the bar before headin’ to the table.
“What’s up, brah?” Finn asked in his stereotypical SoCal accent.
“Nothin’, just got off the phone with Kayden. You know him and Savannah are getting married?” I asked. Finn had knew about Knox by me talking about him.
“No way, dude. Totally rad. You going?”
“Yeah, thinking about it. The weirdest part was that he thought me and Kylee were still together, so I didn’t really get a plus one; don’t know what to do.”
“Doesn’t Harper have school starting up anyways? She’ll be fine. You’re going to go support your buddy is all. Right?”
“Yeah, I guess your right; I just don’t know how I am going to tell her. She is going to think I am abandoning her, or that I don’t want her there, or something.”
“Just tell her after you give her some of that D, dude.” Finn joked, laughing hysterically.
We talked about the surfing competition he kept wanting me to enter in October. When I heard two heels clinking, I turned around and immediately spotted Skye coming towards us. She was a sweet girl, troubled like Harper, but maybe that’s why they got along. She never fit in, though; I never understood why Harper liked her, because she exuded wealth, something I wasn’t a huge fan of. Harper came in behind her in her comfortable and more sensible flip flops. Finn cleared his throat beside me. He loved to flirt, period. He especially loved flirting with hot girls, like Skye.
“Hey Ry,” Skype called out, coming over and air-kissing me on the cheek. “Finn.”
“Thank God someone with taste is here,” he joked, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Really, it was Harper who commanded my attention. She was stunning with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and dressed in little clothing since it was so hot outside. What she had on made me want to rip it off and take her in the crowded bar.
“Hey, baby,” she murmured, before kissing me softly on the lips. They both sat down next to us, and Skye ordered the typical mojito, and Harper a summer beer.
“Your boy here has got to enter this competition. Convince him,” Finn said to Harper.
“Yeah, I told you about it; the one in October. Finn wants me to enter. Pat thinks it’s a good idea for my image or somethin’,” I responded.
“You should do it. Why not?” Harper asked.
“Yeah! I would know a famous surfer!” Skye chimed in.
“Hey now ladies…” Finn interjected.
“I said I would think about it.”
“I think it’s a really good idea, baby,” she said, before leaning closer into my ear and cupping it with her hands so that no one could hear. “Seeing you ride those waves is such a turn on.”
God damn that woman was sexy. She knew how to press every button to turn me on. Fuck, she really was beautiful in that hey-sexy-come-hither sort of way.
“Skye, how is the wedding coming along? Thinking anymore of dumping that rich fiancé of yours and hanging out with a pro-surfer all day?” Finn joked.
“You wish, Finn!” She laughed at him and then turned to order another one of those fancy drinks.
We all enjoyed ourselves laughin’ about different people who walked in, or just life in general. Finn was drunk…like verging on the line of belligerently drunk. We had been there for a couple hours, and as per Skye’s request, we had done a couple of shots in between our beers.
“Finn,” Skye cried in her obnoxious voice that got really high at the end of her sentences.
“Skye. Oh, my beautiful, unattainable Skye. What could you possibly want?” Finn slurred out.
“Tell us something that no one else knows. I want to know a secret,” she said conspiratorially.
“Lets not go there, Skye,” I interjected, lookin’ over at Finn, hopin’ he wouldn’t say anything and keep his fuckin’ mouth shut about everything. Harper was just sitting in the corner, enjoyin’ the scene that was unfolding, completely unaware that Finn just heard something I wasn’t prepared to tell her yet.
“Oh, I got a good story; you ladies ready to hear this?” Finn asked, completely oblivious to my glares.
“Yeah, baby!” Skye shrilled.
“Tell us, Finn,” Harper spoke up.
I swear to God, if this asshole said anything, I’d kill him. Literally, pound his mother fuckin’ face into the ground.
“There is this guy I know. A total fucking hottie for you ladies…”
Harper and Skye both laughed, but I continued starin’ him down, deadpan in the eyes. This fucker…
“Anyways, he was this massive playboy when I first met him, just loved fucking those ladies sideways until they fell down and begged him to stay for more.”
“Ohhh my,” Harper squealed, but clearly interested in knowing more of the story.
“He has this kid too, with this chick who is the hottest of them all. No one knows why he won’t just fuck her senseless and continue doing it, because she is truly a walking goddess. That’s beside the point. The point is now, he is going to take both women for a spin. He is bringing the one, his ex, back home…home, where he…”
My eyes were frozen in place. I knew I needed to move to attack this son of a bitch, and beat the shit outta him, but Harper was just staring at him breathlessly. Skye’s bubbly domeanor was immediately taken over by someone who sat there with a sullen look. Finn’s drunk ass had absolutely no idea what he was doing, and he kept gesturing around and drinking his beer while telling his story.
“He got invited to this guy’s wedding, and he is going to the wedding with— get this—his ex-wife.” He started laughing hysterically, but Harper looked at me with sadness in her eyes. She looked the way I saw her before she met me: broken and confused. Skye slapped Finn across the face.
“Shut the fuck up, you asshole,” she said seriously, breaking the silence that echoed in the loud bar.
“I can’t…” Harper turned to me, looking at me with her nose wrinkled in disgust, “I just cant…”
She got up from her seat and walked out, with Skye in tow.
“Why the fuck did you say that shit? I am goin’ to kill you, Finn, seriously.”
“I totally thought you had already told her. I swear. I don’t know,” he said truthfully, chugging his beer.
“Call me tomorrow, take a cab.” I chucked him a couple of twenties and walked out to try to find Harper. I hoped she wasn’t already gone.
Chapter 4
I cannot even begin to fathom why that asshole would start telling that story.
“I am so sorry, Harp. When I told him to tell us something we don’t know about him, I didn’t know that is what he was going to say. I am sorry,” Skye said, trying desperately to keep up with me in her pumps.
“It’s not your fault. I’m going home. Call me tomorrow.”
“Are you okay? You can come stay with me.”
I turned around to face her, and stared at her with an empty look on my face. I was disgusted by that piece of shit. I couldn’t even describe my anger with him. I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. I wanted to run away from here; he would just be added to my list of big disappointments.
I knew all of this was too good to be true. Ryder was going back to Kylee, going back to Texas, and probably would stay there for good.
“I’m fine. Call me later,” I said, leaving Skye there and turning the corner. I walked a couple of blocks down, hoping the fresh air would calm me; I felt nothing but the numb feeling of bleakness.
I turned around to see if by any stroke of luck Ryder was following me, or if he wanted to chase after me, but I didn’t see any
thing but a cloak of darkness.
I looked down at my phone and saw the text messages that kept coming in. They were coming from Skye and Ryder, and I didn’t have the courage, or the strength, to open them.
I didn’t what to deal with any of this. Why was it always so complicated to fall in love?
I walked until my legs were going to give out on me, and realized I was in front of a small dive bar. I walked in and took a seat on the old, rugged, leather barstool. It was dimly lit and full, mostly with older men in leather jackets and jeans.
“What can I getcha?” the bartender mumbled, clearly miserable with his shitty job.
“Corona, please,” I replied, and pulled my purse tightly against my chest.
When the beer arrived, I sat and watched the small television playing the baseball game in the corner. I felt the stool next to me shift, and could see a large figure in the corner of my eye.
“You here alone?” I turned around and saw a guy with blonde hair, who had a couple wrinkles on his face.
“Yup. Alone,” I emphasized, looking back at the game and sipping my beer.
“You watch baseball?”
“Nope.” I tried to turn away again, but the guy wasn’t feeling it.
Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I wanted to be alone for a while, sit with my thoughts and figure out why Ryder would even think about going to Texas without telling me. Why couldn’t I go with him as a date to the wedding? How could he imagine going to Texas for the first time in years, and not bring me? It was all illogical. A wall he set that I was desperately trying to climb but couldn’t, and kept falling down. Over and over again…
“What’s your name?” the strange guy next to me asked.
I turned around to him and figured, why not? If Ryder could do it to me, why not move on the way I knew how?
“Harper, what’s yours?” I slid my seat closer to his.
There were thoughts running through my mind, telling me I was making the wrong decision; but knowing this was the only way to cope, I tried to fix the feelings I was drowning in.