Stealing Ryder (Sharing Harper, 2) Page 3
“I do love your daddy. Is it okay with you if I share him?”
“Yeah, I like you,” she said, diving into the last bites of her pancake.
“I love both a’you,” Ryder finally said, as he peeped up from his phone. His stare could captivate me, and right now, in this moment, I felt lost in the deep abyss of his eyes. The windows behind him showed the blue ocean that cascaded gently into the shore, which matched the powerful stare of his turquoise eyes. His gaze radiated through my body, gravitating through the deepest parts of my core.
Just as I was about to respond, my phone buzzed, indicating a new text message coming in. It could only be from one person, Skye, my go-to girlfriend, who was busy stressing about her wedding, which was in a year.
S.O.S. Need your help. ASAP. Come to flower shop in dtwn, San Diego.
She was suppose to be picking out the different types of floral arrangements today with her fiancé Jayson, but I assumed that he had to go away on business. He worked with his family at some financial planning company, and frequently had to travel to meet with different clients. The more I got to know him this last month, the more I knew him and Skye were perfect for each other. He grounded her, and loved her for who she was. The bubbly, slightly annoying, but best friend I would ever have. He listened to her when she talked about her family in a serious manner, explaining how she never really had a home with a mom and dad in it; but he also endured her overzealous attitude that, many times, people considered over-the-top.
“Who is it?” Ryder asked, as he saw me checking my phone. He worried I would fall back into old patterns and start being interested in hooking up with other men. His insecurities about keeping me around were annoying at times, but the newfound dominance kept me interested, and kept everything spicy.
“It was just Skye. She has some sort of wedding disaster.”
“You need to go to her?” he asked with genuine concern laced in his voice.
“She said she needs me, but I can stay here,” I told him, not wanting to ruin his planned-out day with Evelyn. I knew how excited he got when Evelyn is around.
“No, go. Evelyn and I will hang out at the beach today. It’s a really nice day out.” He got up and grabbed my plate and roughed his hands through my hair.
“Okay, thanks, babe. I’ll see you later then.” I turned to look at the little girl who was no longer eating her food, but just playing with it. “Evelyn, I am going, but I’ll see you later.”
“Bye-bye.” She waved as I got up to give Ryder a hug in the kitchen.
“I’ll miss you,” he whispered in my ear in a very low, almost inaudible tone. “Your nipples are peekin’ out through your shirt, and I want to wrap my tongue around them, and suck ’em ‘til you cry,” he moaned oh-so-quietly.
Fuck. He knew exactly what to say when I needed him the most. I craved his touch and his large cock thudding against the walls of my sex. I needed him desperately.
“Mm,” was all I could come up with without taking him right there on the kitchen counter. “I’ll see you soon,” I whispered, and grabbed my bag and headed out to the car.
I couldn’t think anymore because if I did, I would be back at the house, begging for more. So I made my way up the beach and towards downtown San Diego, where Skye desperately needed my help picking out flower arrangements.
When I got to the flower shop, which was located smack in the middle of the business distract of San Diego, I opened the door and my thoughts immediately switched from Ryder to the pleasant aroma of fresh blossoming flowers. I could hear Skye from the front door, arguing with what I could only assume was the poor owner of this place.
“But you just don’t get it; I need those flowers in a light pink, not magenta, but light, almost dusted, pink.” I heard her complaining to the older gentleman as I approached.
“Harp! Oh, Harper, I am so glad you are here,” she emphasized as she crinkled her nose with a pout. “This guy doesn’t seem to understand that I cannot have these flowers in a deep pink, but need a light pink.”
I gave her a big hug to hopefully ease some of the anxiety she was having about the wedding. Her dad had promised that he would come down for it, and now the whole thing had become such a production. He didn’t see Skye very often because he didn’t get along with her mother…at all. So, he spent most of his days up in Los Angeles, only giving Skye money when she needed it. Now that he told her he and his new family would attend her wedding next year, she was freaking out over every detail, making sure everything was just absolutely perfect.
“Excuse me,” I said politely, looking directly at the poor frustrated salesman, “do you have any of those hybrid roses which are crossed with white and pink? They usually make a very light dusted pink color that I think my friend here wants.”
“Ah. Yes. I can get those to you no problem. I wasn’t understanding how she wanted us to make the pink, but the hybrid roses I can do,” he said, finally understanding what sort of color and flower Skye wanted.
“See, it was that simple.” I pointed to her and laughed because I knew the stress she was feeling was finally getting to her; and truthfully, she needed my moral support now more than ever.
“It’s not my fault they don’t understand.” She huffed and gave the guy the rest of her order before we walked out of the shop.
“Now, that took all of thirty seconds; so you dragged me out of spending the day at the ocean to tell you something I could have very well fixed over the phone?”
“But, I needed you,” she whined, but we very well knew she really could have fixed all of this if she had just called me.
“Jayson at work again?” I asked.
“Yeah, he had to fly up to San Francisco for some last minute client meeting, but I really needed him here. I just don’t know what to do with this wedding,” she murmured, clearly stressed out about everything.
“How about we go for coffee or something, and not talk about the infamous wedding that isn’t even happening until May?” I asked, pointing to one of those on-every-corner coffee shops across the street.
“Yes, please. I am in definite need of a little pick-me-up,” Skye enthused, clicking her heels on the cement pavement beneath her.
Once we sat down and ordered our two vanilla lattes, Skye pulled out her blinged cellphone and texted something to who I could only assume would be Jayson.
“Anything important?” I asked curiously when she didn’t look up from her phone.
“Oh, sorry. I am just telling Jay about the floral arrangements. He has some big meeting or something. I don’t know, but he isn’t answering and I am getting worried,” she confessed to me, while running the tips of her manicured hands through her long curled blonde hair.
“Are you worried he is about to bug out on you with this whole wedding?” I asked, knowing that her fears were valid. Her dad left her without a father, and her mother was on her—God only knows which number—, marriage.
“It’s just…what if he doesn’t want me anymore, in like, ten years. I am not always going to look like this, you know; looks do fade, and I really have nothing else going for me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Don’t talk crap like that, Skye. I am serious. Jayson loves you for who you are, not because you look like you walked off the hottest runway…”
“I do?!” Her ears perked up when I complimented her.
“Shut up. You know what I mean,” I said.
“No, I know. I get it. I’m just scared, terrified almost, about what’s going to happen. Maybe I really am too young, like you said earlier. Maybe I am rushing into all of this too fast.”
“Bullshit,” I muffled, irritated she would even begin to think like that.
“You know, when Ryder and I got together, everyone around us kept telling us we were moving too fast into some deep, unknown waters; but they had no right to tell us what they didn’t know either. I’ve never been happier, and couldn�
�t imagine where my life would be right now if it wasn’t for him. He is my family, so is Evelyn. I embrace his flaws, his weaknesses, and his life. He is my mind, body, and soul, and I love him more than I could even begin to tell you.”
I looked up at Skye, who was shocked at what I said. Ever since I had been with Ryder, I had been trying to open up to people more. Even though it scared the living crap out of me, I wanted Skye to get to know the inner me, and not just the person she brushed on the surface. Together, we had begun exploring our friendship on a deeper level than just what it was externally.
“I know. That’s how I feel about Jayson. Like, sure everything was sort of fast, but it just clicked with him. My mom keeps putting these thoughts in my head that he will leave me, or that when he is on his business trips he is cheating on me, so I worry.”
“Your mom wouldn’t know how to keep a marriage if it depended on her life. What is it now, her fourth? Fifth?”
“Her fourth. I guess you’re right…” Skye said, digging into her purse for something. When she pulled out the small black jewelry box, I was immediately alert.
“What’s that?”
“It’s for you. You don’t think I’d be stupid enough to call you down here just because I needed help with the flowers, did you?” She laughed because she knew that’s something she totally would do.
“What’s this for, though; I don’t get it?”
“It’s your maid of honor present. I never formally asked you to be my maid of honor, so I am doing it now. Open it up.” She said excitedly, pointing to the black box that was now sitting on the table.
I grabbed it from her and pulled the bow she had tied around it. When I opened it, the breath escaped from my mouth. There was a small, delicate necklace, and a charm of my initial with a couple of diamonds on the side.. Under that necklace, there was the exact replica, but instead of an H, it donned an S.
“I know its cheesy and all that stupid shit, but it’s my version of friendship bracelets. We both have matching ones,” she said, plucking hers from the box.
“I love it. Seriously, Skye, this is too much; but of course, that means it came from you.” I got out of my seat and gave her a big bear hug, irritating her because I was messing up her perfect curls.
“Stop it; you’re going to make me cry!” She said, as she slipped the necklace around her neck, and I followed her actions with mine. I cannot believe that just a few short months ago, I wanted to run away and leave her behind. She is the sister I never had.
“I’ll catch you later,” she said, as we both chatted briefly before walking out the door. We turned to part ways towards our separate cars, but not before I heard her perky voice over the loud cars passing through the street.
“Hey, Harper?” She called out as I turned around to face her. “Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what happens.” She waved and walked away.
I think I am going to like this new Skye, and this new and improved friendship.
Chapter 3
I couldn’t get her out of my head the entire day. Fuck. When she left this morning, I could feel her soft tits press up against my chest, and instantly, my dick responded. I tried to cover it up as fast as possible, but I couldn’t help that her body demanded to be touched in every which way possible.
I had to shake it off before I faced my daughter; and after she left, I spent the entire day playing on the beach with Evelyn. I almost forgot how fucking amazing Harper looked this morning, when I saw her pulling into the driveway around six.
The thin fabric that separated my eyes from her skin was soaked with sweat. She must have gone to the gym after she saw Skye. She told me that when she saw Kylee kissing me, she started taking up running again to get the frustration out. I understood; it was the reason I surfed.
I don’t know if that has been the cure to her nightmares, but she hasn’t had one in a really long time. I honestly thought it would be a harder time being with her and watching her wake up and harm herself, but with the running seeming to help, it’s been good. But even if she were in the middle of the worst nightmare, I would be her rock.
“Hey, beautiful,” I said in the thickest Texan accent I could muster. She said it was “panty-dropping”, or some girly shit like that, when I talked with my accent. I didn’t hear it, but she even said Evelyn talked with a slight southern accent from being around Kylee and me.
“Don’t touch me. I’m all gross.” She wrinkled her nose and pretended liked she was smelling her armpits.
“I think you smell amazing. It reminds me of the time…” I said with a hushed tone so Evelyn, who was sitting in the television room, wouldn’t hear.
“Stop it.” She playfully slapped me and started bringing her gym bag upstairs.
“I am going to grab my stuff and bring it to my place. I have some laundry I have to do, and you’re here with Evelyn,” she said, before she headed upstairs with me following quickly at her foot.
“What are you talking about?” I asked her with force, frustrated she was just going to run away again. She frequently did this, and it annoyed the crap out of me. Why couldn’t she just tell me how she was really feeling? Instead of hitting the nail on the head, she always played this damn game of tag?
“Nothing, just spend time with her,” she said, as she started to throw a few sets of her clothes in a bag.
“Damnit, just tell me. What’s wrong? You have been here so many times when she is here, so I don’t get what’s different now?” I asked her, when I finally noticed the diamond necklace draped over her collarbones. “Who is that from?”
“Chill. It’s my maid of honor gift from Skye. I don’t want to feel like I’m suffocating you,” she confessed.
“What are you talking about, woman? We’ve already talked about this. You aren’t a bother to Evelyn or me, so take your clothes back out of the bag. You are staying. Evelyn has to go to bed anyways, and I left you some food from dinner; we went to Max’s.” Max’s was a local grill not too far from me. I never cooked…ever. The few times I have tried have been an epic failure. Poor Evelyn would be raised on chicken nuggets and French fries if it wasn’t for her mom.
I walked over to Harper, who was unpacking her clothes from her bag, and kissed her on her head, pulling her tight against my chest.
“Don’t ever think you’re a burden, okay?” I persisted again.
“Okay,” she muffled into my chest.
I walked back downstairs and grabbed Evelyn, who was already falling asleep on the couch. After going through her bedtime routine, the same routine we had been using since she was a newborn, I walked back into the master bedroom, where Harper was typing the start of her novel on the laptop.
I set the monitor on one of the drawers and walked towards her. Her tanned legs were propped in a perfect L-shape on the bed, and all I could think about was ripping them open and tasting the sweetness of her. When I got to the foot of the bed, I crawled up against her.
I rubbed my hands down the upper part of her legs, touching her smooth skin.
“Stop it,” she whined jokingly.
“Oh, you want me to stop?” I asked, taking this as a challenge and pushing her computer aside, wrapping her against me, feeling her chest move with each breath.
She started playing with her mouth, biting her lip, and pressing them together, which sent me into another world of needing to feel her. I threaded my hands around the back of her head and pulled her towards my lips. I pushed my mouth, almost violently, into hers, needing to feel her with desperation.
I pulled her shirt up and yanked off her bra to expose her perfectly round tits, and dove onto her nipples to tease her ever so slightly with the flick of my tongue. The escalating moans escaping her mouth turned me hard as a damn rock. My dick was pressed against her, with only the fabric to separate us.
“Fuck,” she murmured through groans, and I obliged her by ripping off her shorts and exposing her shaven pussy. Throwing her legs apart, I s
tarted kissing her from her tits, down to her navel, trailing my tongue along her skin in between wet kisses as I slowly made my way down.
She arched her back and groaned, demanding more from me; but I just laughed silently, knowing she was building up pressure just to explode at the right time.
When I got down to her soaking wet pussy, all I could think of is putting my rock solid dick inside her and making her cum for hours; but I played this game and ran my tongue around her swollen lips, tasting her sweetness. I licked her thoroughly, flicking my tongue in different directions while placing a finger inside her. Her groans were steady as she let go to the pleasure I was giving her.
“Baby, please,” she whimpered.
I moved away from her; she grabbed my pants and took them down, my boxers following.
“Tell me what you want,” I demanded, looking at her enormous brown eyes, which were shadowed with seduction. She could just bat her fucking eyelashes to get me to put my dick inside her, but I wasn’t about to give up any of my secrets just yet.
“I want you,” she barely spoke out, as I moved my lips around hers, teasing her by not pressing them onto hers.
“Tell me what you want,” I commanded again, this time a little more forcefully. It was sexy when she dominated.
“I want you…inside of me. Now,” she growled, her lips turning into a seductive pout.
At this point, I was so hard it hurt, so I grabbed her hips and slid inside of her, watching her lips form a perfect O as I pushed deeper inside. I grabbed her hips and forced her to ride me on top, throwing her above me, letting her sink onto me as she cried out.
Her hands were on my shoulders as she slammed down on me in a grinding motion, making the pressure inside of me rise, knowing I needed her mouth to taste me, to suck me off. I pulled her off of me, a puzzled look growing on her face. I stood up and stared at her.
“Down.” I stared at her. Her mouth gasped, but she obliged willingly, almost excitedly, as she slinked towards my swollen head. She got down on her knees and grabbed me with her fist, shoving me inside of her mouth.